You will get to pilot iconic ships such as the Millennium Falcon, and once you descend keep a lookout for side quests on each planet that will lead you to anything from criminals in the area to womp rats. This is Star Wars, so you bet the fighting will not remain on the ground, so the game also has mechanics that will take fights into space as you take on enemy ships and travel through space. Players will also have access to the Force to influence others, or use it as an attack or simply lift objects. You will have the option of a blaster, or you can wield a lightsaber. These masteries include counterattacks specific to each of the iconic characters, as well as fighting styles depending on the weapon you choose. Players will be able to gain mastery as they battle enemies. This won’t just be another playthrough of the Lego Star Wars games either as the studio has also implemented new battle mechanics to freshen up the Skywalker Saga. For those of you who have played a Lego game before, you know you will then be taken on a comedic retelling of the Star Wars saga as you explore over twenty planets and get the chance to play as over 300 characters. In the trailer, we see that players will get to experience the Skywalker Saga in any order that they wish as you can start with the prequels, original trilogy, or at the end with The Force Awakens. Shootout on Tantive IV / Credit: WB Games. It’s not only the most authentic Star Wars experience this side of the 1997 special editions, but it also manages to make fun of everything the audience has been for the last ( checks Google) 45 years too Advert.
Lego star wars the skywalker saga gameplay footage full#
Fans will get to experience the full power of the force as they relive all nine films spanning from the original trilogy to the recent sequel films. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga feels like the antidote in a way. The trailer also reveals that the game is launching this April. Lucasfilm Games has released a gameplay trailer for the highly anticipated Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga today. LEGO STAR WARS THE SKYWALKER SAGA Gameplay Trailer and Release Date Revealed