Two simple steps: enter a URL and click on Generate RSS button. This URL can be a link to any user or page from major social networks like Facebook, Twitter and so on. Just enter a URL you want to get RSS from and get your XML file URL immediately.
Yet while RSS was always extremely useful, the user experience wasn’t always ideal, though services like Google Reader (RIP) and Feedly did a lot to make it simple enough to subscribe to feeds and get updates. Creating RSS feed from social networks is even simpler. Reader Self: web-based - yes Reeder: iOS and macOS mobile/desktop - selfoss: Open source web RSS aggregator/reader web-based - yes Substack Reader app & web-based feed reader site (Substack & RSS) web-based yes no The Old Reader: service with free and paid tiers web-based yes - Tiny Tiny RSS: Open Source with a web frontend and an API for. Even today, it’s still the easiest way to get timely updates from your favorite sites (though some may not offer feeds anymore) without any recommendation algorithms getting in your way. Copy the feed address from the website you want to add.

RSS was one of the fundamental technologies of the Web 2.0 era. If youd like to subscribe to more RSS or Atom feeds, use the steps below. Radically reducing the time and mental energy exerted to keep up with the world at large or in your social circle improves one’s stress levels and reduces the overall time spent online. “Our vision is to help people build a direct connection with their favorite publishers and creators on the web.”Ī Google spokesperson told me that the way the company has implemented this is to have Google crawl RSS feeds “more frequently to ensure Chrome will be able to deliver the latest and greatest content to users in the Following section on the New Tab page.” RSS consolidates virtually all types of feeds across platforms into a single place sites, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, podcasts and YouTube all can be added to an RSS feed reader.
It’s a lot for any one person to manage, so we’re exploring how to simplify the experience of getting the latest and greatest from your favorite sites directly in Chrome, building on the open RSS web standard,” Janice Wong, product manager, Google Chrome, writes in today’s update. “Today, people have many ways to keep up with their favorite websites, including subscribing to mailing lists, notifications and RSS.